I am okay if you would like to look at the stylesheet as reference, and even copying it! I am also fine if you code dive into the actual passages themselves if you want to see how they are implemented.
However, please do not heavily reference. The code can be copied as a base or even entirely, as long as it's for functional or gameplay purposes (the black and white fade, the radio buttons, making the start menu, etc).
I should honestly have no issue with most things—just please do not completely rip out the stylesheet and use visually similar images in combination! If you use my code as base, credit is not necessary as long as 70% of the code for that specific aspect (radio buttons, the fading, the start menu, etc) is not copied. Otherwise, credit me as "Misty".
Feel free to take a look into the code to see for checks and variable changes, perhaps into the codex and more! You can craft theories out of it, but for some code that is intended to be a secret (and this will be obvious when I write a comment about it in the code), please limit your diffusion of the information—it's our secret!
If you're only using my macros as reference or remixing it, credit is appreciated, but not necessary. If you use 70% of it as base code or copy the macro exactly, please credit "Misty" somewhere! (it does not have to be very visible as long as it is included).
Feel free to reference my posts to create your own IF posts, but please do not heavily reference. Using the same logical structure is OK; most, if not all IF posts have the same basic structure or organization. However, please do not copy my wording and phrasing exactly.
No credit is necessary for being loosely inspired or referenced, but for using very similar or identical formatting, please do credit me as "Misty" somewhere in the post.